Euphemwehhh. I feel like I should apologize for the gratuitousness of this page. It was kind of unnecessary for me to draw Daniel sticking his tongue out in the sixth panel.
Euphemwehhh. I feel like I should apologize for the gratuitousness of this page. It was kind of unnecessary for me to draw Daniel sticking his tongue out in the sixth panel.
I don’t think this kid knows how to insult someone.
and I see he got the mirror with the shoe. Should I read into that?
Right now, not so much. Maybe in the next chapter though!
This all so adorable… except the mouth panel. CREEPEE. LOL
Haha, Daniel is channeling his 2D in that panel.
“and you’re the fattest hairiest guy i’ve ever seen. Wait….” *looks up, smiles* “yeah”
You’re too good to me, Kevin! I really enjoyed writing that line.
I agree. Best line. xD
It’s getting awkward and interesting. Awkwaresting.
Love it. I feel like “awkaresting” could also be what fish police do to fish criminals, but then I suppose it would have to be spelled “aquarresting.”
Mwehh is a pretty great sound for that situation
I love coming up with weird sound effects/verbal noises. It’s a good thing there usually isn’t anyone in the room when I draw, because it would be weird for them to have to listen me doing them out loud.
Lol I do the same thing with facial expressions. Like, if I’m trying to draw wide eyes, my eyes widen subconsciously.