The important thing to take away from this page is that “gay-sexual” is one word. It means pretty much the same thing as just regular gay, but like, even gayer.
The important thing to take away from this page is that “gay-sexual” is one word. It means pretty much the same thing as just regular gay, but like, even gayer.
Why not “The HAWT STUFF”?
That’s an awesomely gay name.
And y’know, even if that was the name, I still don’t think Josiah would have figured it out!
See?? See, that was what I was saying!
I think my favorite quality of Mr. Douglas’s is his complete lack of street smarts, especially compared to his book smartness. Although you would think “book smart” might help him understand that concept of a metaphor at least…
Would the Pink Pony be a better give away for him?
What are gay names for bars??
The ones around here are all either kinda creepy or totally unassuming. Like the Alley or the Machine.
We got “Boys'” and had “Queens'” (Queens’ went broke)
Boys. Something about that…seems wrong.
In Minneapolis they have “The Gay 90’s”
Ooo, that sounds like my kinda party. Although I suppose I’d prefer “The Gay 80’s”
You work in a record store O.O
That’s so awesome!
Also: Screaming around in a gay bar parking lot might not be in his best interest…
Well admittedly it’s only tangentially a record store these days. We sell a lot of comics and clothes and junk too. And I did put on that Lemon Jelly album yesterday. Very rad stuff, great morning music!
As for Josiah, let’s just say he’s not exactly thinking rationally. Or at all, really.
If your explanation was supposed to make your job sound less cool, I’m sorry to tell you, that you failed pretty hard. I’m happy, that I can browse YouTube at my desk job, so I can listen to whatever is not blocked in Germany :/
Ah stupid region blocked videos. When I’m king of everything that will be one of the first inconveniences to go.