There might be something that immediately catches your eye on this page. Sorry, I know it’s sudden, but I figured it was time I finally decided which side of Josiah’s head his hair is actually parted on.
Also there’s a dick. You’ve probably pieced together by now why I asked that question last week (and which choice won!)
Love the strip today, unexpected but exactly what Joshia (and all we XD) need after the breakdown ^^ thanks Cody!!!
… Is there a side B with the two weiners? LOL
Haha thanks, that’s what I was kinda hoping for!
Unfortunately I didn’t make the other version, but now I kinda wish I did and used it as like a butterfly effect type story split, y’know? Like what sort of ripple effect would the minor difference of Daniel’s post-sex position have on the world!?
I thought we voted for weiners :'(
Just kidding. Your weiners are starting to look better. Are you practicing behind our backs? 🙂
Some new music from Germany:
Sorry it took me so long to respond to this one, I didn’t have the chance to check out the song. I really dig it though. I’ve been super into that sort of electro-swing type lately, and these guy do it well. This guy does it pretty well too. Hope the video actually works for you!
And thanks! Maybe I was practicing a liiiiiiiittle.
How did we end back up here? Is he seeing in his head why ‘cute’ wouldn’t apply to the two of them? I know, I know. He doesn’t like the word ‘couple’ or ‘gay’.
He is going to deny his way into a heart attack.
He’d never admit that’s what was happening though!